

The latest articles to help you maintain mental, physical and spiritual wellness.

The Relationship between Addiction and Mental Health

Robert Downey Jr. has contributed more than just Iron Man as an inspirational message, he’s also passed on this quote about addiction: “Getting sober was one of the three pivotal events in my life, along with becoming an actor and having a child. Of the three, finding my sobriety was the hardest thing.” Merriam-Webster defines...

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The Simplest Way to Help Someone Who is Grieving

As James sat in front of me, memory after memory of his father’s death surfaced, released, and ran softly down his face. ‘He died when I was 10’, said James. ‘It was an unexpected heart-attack. He went to work one morning and didn’t come home.’ ‘Mum thought I was too young to go to the...

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How Does the Physical Influence the Mental

It’s a no-brainer that exercise is highly beneficial for the body, as it reduces the risk of developing obesity, heart disease, or diabetes, but many people aren’t aware how important it is for their mental health. Fitness enthusiasts report positive effects of physical activity on their overall well-being. Apart from helping you lose your weight...

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Learn how to Lean in to Mindfulness

Self-care is something that doesn’t come easy for many of us. We race from one goal to the next, multitasking, multi-screening and telling ourselves that doing more somehow equals being more. ‘I’m soooo busy’ is the modern mantra. There’s a sense of status in implying you barely have time to sleep these days. In a...

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How to Identify the Social Terrorist: Highly Social, Highly Territorial and Highly Dangerous!

Are you feeling bullied, restricted, controlled or confined? Perhaps someone at work has sidelined you by creating an ‘in crowd’ you’re specifically excluded from? They all go out at the weekend and make sure they spend a lot of time talking about it on Monday, knowing you can’t join in with the jokes and asides....

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9 Common Stressors You Need to Avoid to Protect Your Mental Health

Dealing with mental health issues such as depression or addiction should be a major wakeup call that it is time to begin taking care of yourself. While you learned excellent strategies for recovering during your treatment program, it is important to continue to avoid stressors that could trigger you to have a relapse. Unfortunately, life...

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How I use Visualisation to Achieve Goals Fast: A Psychotherapist Explains

I was using visualisation techniques long before I ever realised what they were. We all do. As children, we live in our imagination. Unfettered by self-limiting beliefs, we dream of flying. The sky’s the limit until well-meaning adults begin the process of education and socialisation and, in their encouragement for us to conform; they start...

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