

Category: Control Anxiety

How to Tell If It’s Depression or Just Lockdown Syndrome. Assessment Form Attached

I was sent a report recently following research around the impact of Lockdown on young people in the UK. It makes worrying reading. Here are some quotes: “it feels suffocating being inside the house and not seeing friends” “I hate it here, would very much like to go outside” “Loneliness, sadness, isolation, feeling afraid when I go...

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How to Let your Brain Calm your Body Down

Just a quick reminder that you can register your interest for the Fusion Therapeutic Coaching Diploma here Polyvagal Theory In my opinion, Dr Steven Porges’ Polyvagal Theory is likely to change the face of therapy. It’s research I’ve been watching with interest for a while and which has now been fully integrated into the Therapeutic...

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How to Smash Resistance to Meditation With Just One Story

I’ve been working with quite a few schools recently. Schools have regular Inset days for Continuing Professional Development and also ‘twilight’ training which happens at the end of the working day. I’m full of admiration for schools and their staff. They are more and more stretched with less and less funding. Stress levels can be...

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Learning the Art of Worrying Well

Everyone has experienced worry at some time or another. But have you ever found yourself worrying too much or more than you’d like? And have you been given the response, “don’t worry about it”? Unhelpful isn’t it? It’s common for the majority of us to worry. Sometimes we worry about big things such as health...

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Yes, your Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be Cured, and Quickly too!

I treated a young man for symptoms of PTSD a little while ago. I am used to resolving symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in one session as part of my work as a psychotherapist and therapeutic coach. The result with this client was immediate and spectacular but still felt almost magical to me, even...

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The Art (and Science) of Worrying Well

Worrying is ok. It’s not an illness. It’s what we do when life presents us with challenges. The trouble is that most people don’t do it properly. Our neo-cortex, the more recently evolved part of the human brain, loves to solve problems. Yet, many of us are prepared to leave our older, emotional, mammalian brain...

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Learn to Sleep Like a Baby

A short film by neuroscientist, Matthew Walker, highlights recent research about the negative effects of sleep deprivation on the heart, the immune system, memory and brain function. It seems that, during sleep, the glymphatic system opens like a tap, letting fluid flow rapidly through the brain. This recently discovered mechanism helps control the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a clear liquid surrounding the brain and...

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Overcome Anxiety and the Fear of Failure: a Psychotherapist Explains

Gemma had led a privileged life. The daughter of high flying parents, aged 17, she was now being coached for Oxbridge. But all was not well. As the exams drew near, Gemma was suffering major anxiety attacks that seemed to paralyse her. She could not concentrate on her studies, was falling behind with her homework...

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